How A Person Can Use Software To Track Orders?
The United States alone has a foodborne illness cost of $152 billion annually. With the world’s population expected to increase by 3 billion between now and 2050, that number is only going to rise.
So how do we ensure our food source is safe? The answer lies in a concept called “food traceability.”
Traceability is defined as the ability to identify every product at all stages of its life cycle from beginning to end. This includes the origin, production, distribution, storage, use, and disposal of each item. It also means that any changes that occur in an item are followed up by tracking it through its entire lifecycle.
It can be quite difficult to maintain such a system when you have tens of thousands of suppliers and distributors, and your items are moving across several states and even countries on a daily basis. And while some products may move quickly, others are stored for months or years before they are shipped out.
For instance, if a customer orders a bag of tomatoes today, those tomatoes may not be delivered until next week. During that time, they could sit in a warehouse (or worse yet, a truck) for days or weeks before being picked up and delivered to the store. After they’re received, the items will get scanned into the store’s computer system and then sent to a refrigerated case where they’ll be sold to customers, and eventually purchased by other shoppers.
If a tomato was contaminated with harmful bacteria, that same bag of tomatoes would likely travel far beyond the borders of the original state before it ever reached a customer. That makes tracing the path of any given product extremely difficult.
The problem is further complicated by the fact that most stores don’t always keep the kind of records that would help them to track their inventory. So what happens if a single distributor or retailer sells millions of pounds of tainted tomatoes?
And if there aren’t enough records to begin with, what good does it do to try and find them later?
That’s where the idea of “traceability” comes in. It essentially means that you need to know exactly where everything came from, and how it got to you. If something isn’t properly documented, you’re never able to prove otherwise.
In order to achieve this level of traceability, companies like Toto use specialized software programs to track the movements of all shipments coming into and leaving their facilities. These systems go beyond just recording the details of where a shipment originated and ended up, however. They also note the exact conditions under which the cargo was handled during its journey. For example, if a shipment traveled from one state to another, the information recorded should include whether it was exposed to extreme heat or cold temperatures along the way.
A company like Toto uses these records to create a detailed map of a shipment’s journey. Then, based on that data, they can determine the likelihood that a particular batch of tomatoes might be contaminated with harmful bacteria.
This is why food safety experts recommend that consumers choose fresh produce from local farmers whenever possible. When you purchase an item from a farmer that you’ve known personally, you can rest assured that you’re getting quality produce that hasn’t been sitting around for weeks or even months after picking, and therefore less likely to carry pathogens that could make you sick.
How Toto Uses Its Software to Track Products
To illustrate how Toto’s software works, let’s look at an actual shipment of tomatoes that left a major supermarket chain’s facility earlier this year.
We’ll start by looking at a portion of the shipping manifest that shows the name of the driver, the date/time that he or she picked up the load, and the location where it was dropped off.
From here, we’ll zoom in on the driver’s pickup location so that we can see more clearly what happened when that vehicle arrived at the pick-up point. We’ll also take a closer look at the driver’s signature, because you can often tell a great deal about the person who signed the receipt simply by looking at his or her handwriting.
Next, we’ll zoom in a bit more and examine the truck’s license plate number. By cross-referencing that with the driver’s signature, we can quickly confirm that the man pictured is indeed the person whose name appears on the shipping document.
The last step in this process is to compare the truck’s GPS coordinates with the address listed on the shipping document. In our case, since the truck didn’t drop off the shipment anywhere near the store, we can assume that it took the tomatoes directly to the loading dock.
After the truck delivers the goods to the loading dock, the driver must sign off on the delivery receipt. Here, we’ll pull back a bit further to show the driver’s signature again. Once more, we can quickly verify that the signature matches the name shown on the shipping document.
Now let’s look at the contents of the box itself. As you can see, the label reveals that this shipment contains roughly 40,000 lbs. of tomatoes. Based on the weight of the container, we can estimate that this box holds approximately 1,500 individual bags of tomatoes, each of which weighs 8 ounces.
As you’d expect, this box was packed very tightly, which indicates that the tomatoes were probably picked within the past few days. Otherwise, the boxes would have been considerably larger so that they wouldn’t have had to squeeze as much product into the smaller containers.
Finally, we’ll take a quick look at the packing slip. While it doesn’t contain any additional relevant information, you can see that the shipping company used a standard label template to print the receipts. This allows us to confirm that the package was actually manufactured by the company shown on the label.
Based on this brief analysis, we can safely conclude that this particular shipment contained no signs of contamination. But we still haven’t looked at the tomatoes themselves.
Let’s take a moment to zoom in on one of the plastic bags of tomatoes inside the box. As you can see, they appear to be fairly clean, but we should still take a closer look.
What Foods Are Contaminated?
When you think about it, it’s pretty amazing that we manage to eat anything at all without becoming seriously ill. There are countless diseases out there that could potentially kill us, and yet many of them don’t pose much of a risk when we eat them.
Unfortunately, some foods are much more dangerous than others. A recent study conducted by researchers at the University of Nebraska Medical Center found that certain fruits and vegetables can harbor high levels of E. coli O157:H7, which is a strain of bacteria that causes severe gastrointestinal infections.
In addition to spinach, leaf lettuce, and Romaine lettuce, melons, cantaloupe, and peaches are all highly susceptible to contamination. On the other hand, apples, strawberries, and cucumbers were all found to be relatively free of the bacterium.
Even though Toto’s software can’t pinpoint exactly what type of contaminants these particular samples may have carried, they did come from a farm that has been identified as a frequent source of outbreaks of foodborne illnesses.
“We can tell if a shipment was made at a facility that has a history of producing E.coli or Salmonella,” says Dr. John Hallberg, one of the authors of the study published last month in the journal Applied and Environmental Microbiology. “But we can’t tell you exactly what kind of bacteria a particular shipment may have carried.”
That said, this information can be incredibly useful. If you suspect that a particular shipment is likely to be carrying harmful bacteria, you can contact the manufacturer and ask for a sample of the product. You can then test the sample to confirm that it poses no health risks.
Of course, you’ll want to exercise extra caution when dealing with raw meats and dairy products. Even if a shipment has been tested and found to be free of bacteria, you can’t rule out the possibility that someone else may have already eaten the goods and become infected.
If you absolutely cannot bear the thought of consuming something that may have been tainted, you can always opt for canned or frozen foods instead.
With all of this in mind, it’s important to remember that no piece of software can completely guarantee that you won’t become sick if you consume something that isn’t perfectly safe to eat. Ultimately, the responsibility for protecting yourself against harmful bacteria rests squarely on your shoulders.
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